Urban Autism Solutions' Growing Solutions Farm was recognized by the Laudato Si Encyclical Working Group and Garden Committee of the Archdiocese of Chicago at Shine of Our Lady of Pompeii. UAS co-founders Julie and Mike Tracy, along with their son, John, received the Laudato Si' Gardens Award at a special Mass on Sunday.
The award recognizes gardens that are part of local ecology by including pollinator plants and wildlife habitat, growing food that is shared with those in need, and providing space for contemplation. Growing Solutions Farm does all that and more. Native plants have been added to the farm this year, and our sensory garden is the perfect place to focus on the senses and take a break from the outside world. Each year the farm donates 20% of the harvest to Grace Seeds Ministry, which distributes it to food pantries on the West Side.
ABOVE: John, Julie and Mike Tracy joined by Father Fragomeni of Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii.